Meet Ryan Biswas – Cybersecurity Intern

My name is Ryan Biswas. I am a Senior at George Mason University majoring in Information Technology with a concentration in Cybersecurity. I’m currently working on installing a Windows server. When fully deployed, it will help keep the systems here at Total Cyber Solutions organized, managed, and updated. After installing the server, there are various checks that need to be ran. This step is called the ‘prerequisite check’. It is like a ‘checklist prior to taking off in a small aircraft. The Windows system does a full ‘check’ on what is required to run the system smoothly and have all the bells and whistles working effectively. 

While running the prerequisite check, we discovered a few issues. Some of which could be fixed simply by changing specific settings. Since the errors had not been fixed properly, the system was not reporting all of the required components. This week I was able to remediate all of these smaller errors as I started looking at some of the larger issues with my mentor. 

Currently, we are in the process of remediating all of the larger issues in order to have the proper structure in place to keep the systems updated and maintained. Looking forward to the next post with more good news! 

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